Our Worship

Welcome to Haygood! We are glad you are considering worshiping with us. Worshiping God is our highest priority.

WORSHIP TIMES and Location

We have one worship service at 11 a.m. each Sunday in our Sanctuary at 1015 East Rock Springs Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA, 30306.

What to expect

Our worship expresses a living tradition that incorporates hymns, creeds, children’s messages, choirs and sermons. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. Our music ensembles include our chancel choir, children’s choirs, handbells and men’s quartet. You are invited to participate.

Haygood is a liturgical church which means we follow the Christian calendar. We follow the lectionary which is a three-year cycle of scripture texts and is designed to be used in worship each week.

How are children incorporated?

Children are always welcome in our worship services as we remember the words of Jesus, “let the children come” (Matthew 19:14). We also have a nursery available for infants through 2 years. Find out more about nursery by clicking here.

Each Sunday, we invite the children forward (about 15 minutes into the service) to meet with our pastor and children’s pastor at the front of the sanctuary. We offer a lesson geared to their ages. Afterwards, we invite children ages 3 years to fifth grade to children’s church in our gym. Children’s church is a fun time for the children to learn an age-appropriate Bible lesson and to engage in meaningful activities with other children. Parents/guardians pick up their children in the gym after worship.

All staff and volunteers who work with children have been background checked and trained in our Safe Sanctuary policy that ensures the protection of children and volunteers. Our nursery workers are CPR and First Aid certified.