Worship Ministry Opportunities
Each week we are blessed with the opportunity to worship together in our beautiful sanctuary. Haygood’s worship services involve many members of our congregation from several ministry teams and a variety of activities that together bring meaning to worship. It is time to begin to recruit participation in our teams as we prepare for a vibrant fall. Please take a moment to review these ministries, and find the opportunity for you to more fully engage in the life of our church. You can sign up using the link provided in the descriptions of each team. For questions, please contact the coordinator whose name and email address is provided. Thank you in advance for stepping up to play a part in our Sunday worship services.
Altar Guild
LynETTE Slovensky (lslovensky@earthlink.net)
and Alice Gepp (alicegepp5@gmail.com)
The Altar Guild glorifies God by preparing and beautifying our sanctuary every Sunday for a meaningful worship experience. Responsibilities include setting up for Communion and Baptisms, and decorating the sanctuary for the special days in the church calendar. Time commitments vary. Whether it’s helping once a month for worship prep or using your creativity to help plan and decorate for our special liturgical seasons, such as Advent and Lent, we have a place for you. If you would like to join, please contact Lynette Slovensky.
Flower Guild
Genie Driskill (gdriskill34@gmail.com)
The Flower Guild glorifies God by creating arrangements that welcome the congregation and minister to God’s people during times of worship and celebration. Christian friendships are enhanced by sharing in the creativity and fun as volunteers bring the beauty of the earth to the church’s sanctuary and gathering spaces. Members work in teams or individually to create the arrangements. The schedule is flexible but is typically once a month. If you would like to join, please contact Genie Driskill.
Sanctuary Guild
The Sanctuary Guild helps ensure our sanctuary is ready for Sunday worship and other special services. The Guild will be made up of four teams of 2-3 members. This is a one hour per month commitment immediately following the 11 am Sunday worship service. Duties include removing sheets from the Ritual of Christian Fellowship pads in each pew, resupplying pew racks and generally keeping the pews in order for the next service. Create a team with your fellow members! To join or for more information contact, Ruth Sommerville, ruthsommerville1118@gmail.com.
Ed Cashin (ecashin@noserose.net)
At Haygood, we believe in showing radical hospitality, especially on Sunday mornings. You’re invited to serve as a greeter! Greeters provide a needed smile and directional assistance, and welcome people as they prepare to enter the sanctuary. Greeters serve from 10:30-11AM. Volunteers can be scheduled as-needed on a rotating basis (not every week). If you would like to volunteer to be part of the team, contact Ed Cashin and we’ll put you into the rotation.
Ryan Hebert (hebert.ryan@gmail.com)
In devoting time to serve as Usher, you will aid in welcoming people to worship, ensuring the service operates efficiently and effectively. Ushers are expected to help members and visitors find their seats without impeding the planned events throughout the service while also assisting in the event of an unfortunate emergency to get everyone to safety in an orderly manner. Finally, outside of taking up the offertory, you may be called upon by the worship leaders to assist before or after the service. There are five usher teams which serve one month at a time on a rotating basis.
Sara Williams (Sarah@rawsoft.com)
We invite children in 4th, 5th and 6th grade to join our acolyte and crucifer program. Acolytes and crucifers are some of the most important leaders in our worship services. Crucifers lead the procession carrying the cross and acolytes bring the Light of Christ into worship setting the tone for all that happens in this sacred hour. Acolytes and crucifers serve approximately once per month, allows them to serve side by side with their friends, and provides them the invaluable opportunity to serve in our Sunday services. 4th graders are eligible to serve as acolytes and 5th and 6th graders are eligible to serve as crucifers. Training takes place in the fall when new servers meet with the Senior Minister and Haygood staff to learn about the significance, traditions and duties entailed. Commissioning takes place in Sunday worship once training is complete. Acolytes and crucifers are then scheduled throughout the year to participate on Sundays when they are available. Contact Sara Williams to join the acolyte/crucifer ministry.
Church Receptions
Wally Rice (wrice@haygoodumc.org)
Each week we have refreshments and fellowship immediately after worship. The church reception volunteers should plan to arrive at the Fellowship Hall kitchen at 10:30AM to help organize refreshments. It does require that you leave service during the last hymn to setup and serve refreshments for 10 or 15 minutes following the ser-vice. This will include pouring lemonade or handing out Popsicles. FUN!
Audio-Visual Team
ROBERT ROSS (robert@protectitse.com)
We seek volunteers to run our sound and cameras for our Sunday morning worship service. If you need experience, our audio-visual team can train you. Help run cameras for our online worship. Run sound for our in-person worship. Use our presentation software to put together lyrics for worship. Our audio-visual coordinator will place volunteers on a monthly rotation. Open to high school students as well as adults.
Chancel Choir
Tim Spraggins (tim@haygoodumc.org)
The Chancel Choir serves as the principal musical leadership in our weekly 11:00 AM traditional worship service throughout the church year. The choir is open to adults and high school students who love singing. Auditions are not required for membership. All are welcome. Music highlights include an annual community Christmas concert, Palm Sunday Festival Celebration, and Easter Sunday music. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 7:15 - 8:15 PM from September—May. Rehearsal times are extended during Lent and Advent in preparation for Holy Week and Christmas.
Tim Spraggins (tim@haygoodumc.org)
This instrumental ensemble performs in worship throughout the year and in musical events and celebrations. This ensemble is a perfect introductory group for adults and high school youth musicians. The Handbell Choir meets from 6:15-7 PM on Wednesdays of each month from September – May.
Anna Trude (atrude@haygoodumc.org)
Tim Spraggins (tim@haygoodumc.org)
The Cherub Choir: All Children ages 4 through 1st grade are encouraged to participate in our Cherub Choir. The group will rehearse on Wednesdays from 4:45 –5:30 PM (September through May). The Cherubs will sing in several Worship services throughout the church year as well as participate in other musical celebrations, Wednesday Night Supper, and Combined Children’s Choirs. For more information contact Anna Trude.
The Joyful Noise Chorus: Children in grades 2 – 5 have the opportunity to participate in our Joyful Noise Chorus. This group sings in several Worship services throughout the church year. They will also participate in musical celebrations, Wednesday Night Suppers as well and other musical events. Rehearsals are (September through May) on Wednesdays from 4:45-5:30 PM. For more information contact Tim Spraggins.