Upcoming Events
to Jan 1

Upcoming Events

February 23-April 6: Children’s Sunday School

April 2: Wednesday Night Supper 5:30-6:30PM, Ecker Fellowship Hall

April 12: Community Easter Egg Hunt

April 13: Palm Sunday Parade and Service

April 17: Maundy Thursday Dinner 5:30-6:30PM, Ecker Fellowship Hall

April 17: Maundy Thursday Communion Service, 6:30PM

April 18: Good Friday Service, 12:00PM

April 20: Easter Sunday

Apr 27- May 11, Haygood 101, 9:45-10:45AM, The Living Room

May 4: Adult Bible Boot Camp. 10:00-10:45AM, The Living Room

May 4: F.I.S.H Night 5:00-7:00PM

June 2 - June 6: VBS Road Trip

June 3- June 6: Mission Camp

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Haygood is participating in Atlanta Habitat’s Lenten Build!
to Apr 5

Haygood is participating in Atlanta Habitat’s Lenten Build!

Along with 5 other churches, Haygood is building a Habitat House for Kendra Dawes & her 15-year-old daughter. The Saturday build dates are Feb. 15; March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29; & April 5! For Day 1 (February 15th) Haygood will have 10 slots reserved. For each subsequent day we will have 8. So, mark your calendar, rally your friends, and make your plans! We will carpool from the Haygood Parking lot for those who prefer. The workday ends at 3:30 p.m.


To register as a volunteer, please use the following link:



1) All volunteers are required to register online individually. Each volunteer will complete the Habitat Release and Waiver form during the registration process.

2) Registered volunteers will receive automated confirmation and reminder emails with a link to Atlanta Habitat’s Volunteer Information Packet and directions to the build site. Day 1 of the build begins at the Atlanta Habitat warehouse, and Days 2-8 begin at the build site.

3) The minimum age required to volunteer is 16 years old. Volunteers ages 16 and 17 must print their Release and Waiver form and bring it to the build site with a parent or guardian signature.  

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Children's Sunday School Spring 2025
to Apr 6

Children's Sunday School Spring 2025

  • Google Calendar ICS

Ages 3 yrs to 5th grade 

You’re invited to join us for our Spring Sunday School programming for children. 

Please register here.

Registration not required but helps for volunteer purposes. 

Dates for Sunday School are:

Sunday Feb 23 - Sunday Apr 6, 2025

  • Sunday Feb 23, 2025 (10:00 am - 10:45 am)

  • Sunday Mar 2, 2025 (10:00 am - 10:45 am)

  • Sunday Mar 16, 2025 (10:00 am - 10:45 am)

  • Sunday Mar 23, 2025 (10:00 am - 10:45 am)

  • Sunday Mar 30, 2025 (10:00 am - 10:45 am)

  • Sunday Apr 6, 2025 (10:00 am - 10:45 am)

If you would like to help volunteer, please contact Caroline Enright caroline@haygoodumc.org for more details.  Nursery care will be offered to volunteers who are leading classes.  All materials will be provided.

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Easter Lily Dedications
to Apr 14

Easter Lily Dedications

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The Haygood Altar Guild invites you to celebrate the Glory of God through Easter lily dedications. Flower dedications also contribute to the flower guild ministry at Haygood. Suggested donations is $25 per Easter lily. Deadline is Monday, April 14, 2025.

To submit your dedications, please click here. Questions? Please contact Genie Driskill.

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Wednesday Night Supper April 2, 2025
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper April 2, 2025

Join us on April 2 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, April 1.  

Menu: Adults: Italian Beef and Sausage Baked Pasta, seasonal vegetable, Caesar salad, fresh fruit, garlic bread and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian Adult option: Pasta Alfredo with same sides as above. If you would like the vegetarian option, please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1.

Children: Personal Tortilla Pepperoni Pizza (If your child would prefer cheese only, please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1.) with buttered broccoli florets, fresh fruit and tasty desserts.

Register HERE.

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Community Easter Egg Hunt
10:00 AM10:00

Community Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 12th at 10 am. We will have four fields of eggs. On the plaza will be our 3 and under, on the 2s playground will be the 3-5 year olds, the big playground will have 6-7 year olds, and the Grizzard yard will be 8 and up! Please arrive early as we will start promptly at 10 am.

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Palm Sunday Parade
10:00 AM10:00

Palm Sunday Parade

Sidney Marcus Park

Join us for a procession with a donkey, palms, and our neighbors from Morningside Presbyterian Church on Palm Sunday. We will meet in Sidney Marcus Park and march together from there. The animals will be arriving by 9:45 so come early to visit with them before we line up at 10AM. We will process to our Palm Sunday Worship Service at Haygood.

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Palm Sunday
10:45 AM10:45

Palm Sunday

10:45AM Procession and 11AM Worship

Worship will begin with a processional into the sanctuary which includes a donkey and our children. Participants in the procession should line up in front of the church at 10:45 AM - all are welcome. Following the worship service, there will be animals (including the donkey) on the front lawn for petting.

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Holy Week
to Apr 18

Holy Week

April 17: Maundy Thursday, 6:30PM

Our Maundy Thursday Communion Service will begin at 6:30PM in the sanctuary. There will be a nursery available. The April 16 Wednesday Night Supper will shift to Thursday night, April 17 at 5:30PM, immediately preceding the Maundy Thursday service.

April 18: Good Friday, 12:00 Noon

Join us in the sanctuary at noon. We will worship God and reflect on the passion of Christ as he died for the sins of the world on the cross. The service will last 30 minutes and be followed by a light lunch in the Ecker Fellowship Hall.

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Easter Sunday
7:00 AM07:00

Easter Sunday

We will celebrate Easter Sunday with three worship services. The morning begins at 7:00 AM on the plaza with a Sunrise Easter service led by the Haygood Youth Group. At 9:00AM and again at 11;00AM, there will be a traditional Easter service in the Sanctuary. The later service will conclude with refreshments on the plaza. The nursery will be available for the 9 and 11AM services.

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Haygood 101
to May 11

Haygood 101

  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you new to Haygood or just want to learn more about our faith community? Join our sessions on April 27, May 5, May 11 from 9:45-10:45 AM in The Living Room meeting space. In addition to a tour of our facility, you will learn about the history and mission of Haygood and the United Methodist Church. We’ll review some of our theological beliefs and you’ll get to know our staff and other new comers. Lastly, you’ll also discover opportunities for you to get involved in service and small groups. Please email Will Zant (will@haygoodumc.org) if you have any questions. 

Please register here.

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Adult Bible Bootcamp
10:00 AM10:00

Adult Bible Bootcamp

If you’ve ever wondered...

What do United Methodists believe about Scripture?

What version of the Bible should I read?

How do I create a plan for reading?

How do I get the most out of my Scripture reading?

Then you’re invited to Bible Bootcamp!

We’ll meet at 10:00 am in the Living Room to answer all of these questions and more. Childcare will be available in the gym.

Please register here.

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F.I.S.H.-Fellowship in Someone’s Home
5:00 PM17:00

F.I.S.H.-Fellowship in Someone’s Home

As we approach Haygood’s Centennial, let’s come together to celebrate the unique spirit of our community with both new and longtime members. Before Haygood had a building, our gatherings took place in homes, and we want to pay tribute to that tradition as we look forward to the next 100 years of Haygood by joining in each other’s homes throughout the year.

Things to know about F.I.S.H.:

  • Our first F.I.S.H night will be hosted in the home of Fabricio Moraes and Jess Gardner. Address will be shared closer to the date.

  • Please bring a covered dish to share.

  • Childcare will be available at Haygood but please register for it by April 20th.

  • Space is limited so please register here.

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2025 Mission Camp
to Jun 6

2025 Mission Camp

Calling all rising 5th and 6th graders to join us for a week of mission helping our church and community. Mission camp will be June 3rd-6th from 9 AM-12 PM. Payment will be 150.00, and a majority of the cost goes toward our van that takes place to place. Please have your child wear clothes they can work outdoors in and bring a water bottle every day. As we get closer, I will have a layout of what our week will look like. To register please click here.

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Wednesday Night Supper March 26, 2025
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper March 26, 2025

Join us on March 26 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, March 25.  

Menu: Adults: Mexican Beef Lasagna, sour cream garnish, seasoned rice, fresh fruit, Mexi beans, seasonal salad and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian Adult option: Griddled Cheese and Vegetable Quesadilla with same sides as above. If you would like the vegetarian option, please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25.

Children: Crispy Chicken Tenders, rice with chicken gravy, fresh fruit, buttered carrots and tasty desserts.

Register HERE.

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Wednesday Night Supper March 19, 2025
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper March 19, 2025

Join us on March 12 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, March 11.  

Menu: Adults: Chicken Marsala over pasta, fresh seasonal vegetable, mixed salad with Italian vinaigrette, fresh fruit, baked bread and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian option: Portobella mushroon marsala, sides same as above. . If you would like the vegetarian option, please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18.

Children: Fluffy scrambled Eggs, Sausage patty, Pancake with syrup, D'animals drinkable smoothie, fresh fruit and tasty desserts.

Register HERE

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Haygood Kickball Tournament
9:00 AM09:00

Haygood Kickball Tournament

Come join us on March 15th, starting at 9 a.m., for our last fundraiser for our summer mission trip: the Haygood Kickball tournament. We will be in the Gym and maybe outside depending on the weather. This tournament is double elimination. Lunch will also be included. Please keep your teams to six people. Lastly, have your team captain sign up here to see how many teams we will have. 

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Wednesday Night Supper March 12, 2025
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper March 12, 2025

Join us on March 12 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, March 11.  

Menu: Adults: Sliced herbed Turkey breast, mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh fruit, bread stuffing, roasted seasonal vegetable, baked bread and tasty desserts.

Children: Griddled Hamburger, green beans, Mac-n-cheese, fresh fruit and tasty desserts. (If your child wants cheese on their burger, please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11.)

Register HERE

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WCM Sunday Breakfast
9:30 AM09:30

WCM Sunday Breakfast

Join us Sunday, March 9, for Weekday Children’s Ministries Sunday! Our men’s group will be whipping up delicious pancakes, eggs, and bacon to celebrate this special occasion. While there is no charge for the breakfast, we will gladly accept donations. Breakfast will be served in the warm and welcoming Ecker Fellowship Hall from 9:30am to 10:45am. Kindly RSVP here so we can prepare enough food for everyone. We look forward to having you with us!

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Hunger Walk
4:00 PM16:00

Hunger Walk

Haygood is hosting a Hunger Walk again this year to help fight hunger in our community by raising funds for the Atlanta Community Food Bank and Intown Cares Food Pantry. Bring your sneakers, strollers, scooters, or dog -- and bring a friend! -- on Saturday, March 8 at 4pm. All ages are welcome. We will gather and kickoff from the Haygood Plaza and then complete a one-mile loop on neighborhood sidewalks, finishing back at the Plaza for refreshments. Please join us in this local service opportunity by registering or donating here.

In the words of Pastor Will, "Let's get going, Haygood!" 

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Wednesday Night Supper March 5, 2025
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper March 5, 2025

Join us on March 5 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, March 4.  

Menu: Adults: Italian meat and cheese Lasagna, seasonal vegetable, Caesar salad, fresh fruit, baked bread and tasty desserts.

Children: Griddled Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla,  buttered corn niblets, Mexican rice, fresh fruit, Gogurt tube and tasty desserts.

Register HERE

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Wonderfully Made (Created by God) 5th & 6th Graders
9:00 AM09:00

Wonderfully Made (Created by God) 5th & 6th Graders

This class is at Glenn Memorial UMC 

1660 North Decatur Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30307
on the Emory University Campus

**This session will be led by Caroline Enright and Rev. Susan Pinson from Glenn UMC.**

Our goals for these sessions are 1) Make sure each child knows that they are Wonderfully Made in God’s eyes and 2) to encourage a dialogue between parents and child about the normal changes a body goes through during this time.

Parents will be given a "Parent guide" to help them follow along in the process.  Parents will join the last 15 minutes of the session to go over the final part of the class.

Register Here


March 1 9am-1:45-kids only

1:45-2pm parents join

Registration fee $50.00

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Family Movie Night (Sing)
6:00 PM18:00

Family Movie Night (Sing)

Haygood is hosting a complimentary family movie night on Friday, Feb. 28. The doors open at 6PM. We will have pizza by the slice for sale for $1 per slice. There will also be complimentary popcorn and lemonade. Dress up as your favorite character and bring your blankets, family, friends, and neighbors to join in the movie night fun!

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Wednesday Night Supper 2/26/25
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper 2/26/25

Join us on February 26 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, February 25.  

Menu: Adults: Hickory smoked Pulled-pork BBQ Sandwich, baked Mac-n-cheese, fresh fruit, baked beans, Ali's coleslaw and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian option: Veggie Burger, same sides as above w/vegetarian baked beans. Please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org if you would prefer the vegetarian option by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 25.

Children: Pulled-pork BBQ Sandwich, baked beans, fresh fruit, tater tots and tasty desserts.

Register HERE

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Wednesday Night Supper 2/12/25
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper 2/12/25

Join us on February 12 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, February 11.  

Menu: Adults: Chicken Parmigiana, pasta side, seasonal vegetable, classic Caesar salad, fresh fruit, baked bread and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian option: Eggplant Parmigiana, same sides as above. Please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org if you would prefer the vegetarian option by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11.

Children: Spaghetti with meat sauce, (If your child would prefer Marinara or butter only pasta, please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11.), buttered broccoli florets, fresh fruit, buttery Crescent rolls and tasty desserts.

Register HERE

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2nd Annual Youth Mission Gala
6:00 PM18:00

2nd Annual Youth Mission Gala

Please join us for Dinner on February 8th from 6-8 PM. This is a fundraiser for our youth group, and all proceeds will go toward our summer mission trip. This year’s menu will be chicken parmesan with a vegan eggplant parmesan option. The cost is 50.00 a plate. This year, for the summer mission trip, we will be working with Appalachia Service Project. For a week, we are teamed up with a family in need and help work on a project with their house. Once we are finished for the week and heading back home, we stop off to go whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River.  I hope you can join us for a fabulous meal that evening.   Please click here to register.

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Wednesday Night Supper 2/5/25
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper 2/5/25

Join us on February 5 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, February 4.  

Menu: Adults – Beef Mexican Lasagna, sour cream garnish, lime rice, fresh fruit, spiced black beans, seasonal salad and tasty desserts.

Children: Chicken and cheese griddled Quesadilla, buttered corn on the cob, fresh fruit, seasoned black beans and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian Adult Option: Cheese, roasted peppers and onion griddled Quesadilla, same sides as above. Please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org if you would prefer the vegetarian option by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4.

Register HERE

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Wednesday Night Supper 1/29/25
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper 1/29/25

Join us on January 29 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, January 28.  


Adults – Classic double-crust Chicken Pot Pie, creamy mashed potatoes, fresh fruit, seasonal vegetable, fresh salad, baked bread and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian option: Beyond Burger on Brioche bun w/sriracha mayo, same Adult sides. Please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org if you would prefer the vegetarian option by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21.

Children: Griddled Hamburger, creamy mashed potatoes, green beans, fresh fruit and tasty desserts. Please email wrice@haygoodumc.org or text 404-277-4588 by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, if your child would prefer a cheeseburger.

Register HERE

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Dinner With The Pastor
6:00 PM18:00

Dinner With The Pastor

Join us for a dinner with the Pastor. If you are new to the Haygood community, Rev. Zant would like to invite you to his home. It’s a chance for you to get to know some of our members and to meet other new people. Children are welcome. You don’t need to bring a thing. Simply click here to register. Our next dinner is Friday, January 26 from 6-7:30 PM. Rev. Zant will send you directions to his home when you have registered. 

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Wednesday Night Supper 1/22/25- CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper 1/22/25- CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER

Canceled Due to Weather

Join us on January 22 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, January 21.  


Adults – Classic double-crust Chicken Pot Pie, creamy mashed potatoes, fresh fruit, seasonal vegetable, fresh salad, baked bread and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian option: Beyond Burger on Brioche bun w/sriracha mayo, same Adult sides. Please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org if you would prefer the vegetarian option by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21.

Children: Griddled Hamburger, creamy mashed potatoes, green beans, fresh fruit and tasty desserts. Please email wrice@haygoodumc.org or text 404-277-4588 by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, if your child would prefer a cheeseburger.

Register HERE

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Haygood 101
9:45 AM09:45

Haygood 101

Are you new to Haygood or just want to learn more about our faith community? Join our sessions on January 19, from 9:45-10:45 AM in The Living Room meeting space. In addition to a tour of our facility, you will learn about the history and mission of Haygood and the United Methodist Church. We’ll review some of our theological beliefs and you’ll get to know our staff and other newcomers. Lastly, you’ll also discover opportunities for you to get involved in service and small groups. Click here to register. Please email Will Zant (will@haygoodumc.org) if you have any questions. 

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Wednesday Night Supper 1/15/25
5:30 PM17:30

Wednesday Night Supper 1/15/25

Join us on January 15 for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper! We will be serving from 5:30 until 6:30PM. Our prices are $12/adult and $7/child. Please make your reservation for dinner by 2PM on Tuesday, January 14.  

MENU: : Adults – Hand-formed Salisbury Steak in a savory mushroom gravy, served over parslied rice, seasonal vegetable, fresh garden salad, baked bread, fresh fruit and tasty desserts.

Children: Fluffy scrambled Eggs, Sausage patty, Tator tots, plain or Blueberry Pancakes with syrup (please email wrice@haygoodumc.org or text 404-277-4588 by 3:00pm on Tuesday, if your child would prefer blueberry pancakes) fresh fruit and tasty desserts.

Vegetarian option:-Beyond Burger Patty presented as above, sides are same as above Adults. Please text 404-277-4588 or email wrice@haygoodumc.org if you would prefer the vegetarian option by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14.

Register HERE

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Breakfast with Santa
9:30 AM09:30

Breakfast with Santa

Santa is coming for breakfast so be here to join in the fun of a church-wide family breakfast. The men’s group will be cooking up pancakes, eggs and bacon. Santa will be here for pictures and visits with the children. All Haygood members and friends are invited. Cost is $5 a person. The date is Sunday, December 22. We begin serving breakfast in the Ecker Fellowship Hall at 9:30AM and conclude at 10:45AM. You can reserve your spot here.

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Live Nativity
5:00 PM17:00

Live Nativity

Come celebrate the Advent Season with us on Saturday, December 14 or on Sunday, December 15 from 5-7PM as the Haygood youth present the Live Nativity.  There will be live animals and hot chocolate to enjoy.  Invite your friends and family to the Live Nativity and experience the Christmas Story come to life. The Haygood Happy Camper will be open and serving Hot Chocolate and some Christmas Treats on Saturday and Sunday from 4:30 until 7:30PM.

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Advent Drama "A Play in a Manger"
11:00 AM11:00

Advent Drama "A Play in a Manger"

On December 15th, at 11 am in our Sanctuary, Haygood Children will lead worship by performing an Advent Drama entitled "A Play in a Manger". This performance will bring the hope and joy of Advent to life.

The town of Centerton is preparing their annual Christmas Extravaganza–but this year it’s going to be bigger and better than ever, a real over-the-top display. The excitement is off the chart as the writer and director and legend-in-his-own-mind, Cecil V. DeVille, calls for pyrotechnics, sky-diving angels, dancing camels, and more. It’s obvious that this year’s production will be the greatest ever! But when catastrophe and calamity send those grand plans up in smoke, their epic production becomes an epic fail. Visions of grandeur are replaced with the beauty and power of the simple truth of Jesus’ birth: The Son of God, born to humble parents, lying in a simple manger, come to redeem. Now that’s epic!

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Community Concert
6:00 PM18:00

Community Concert

Enjoy an evening of holiday music from our choirs, soloists, chamber orchestra, organist, and handbells.

Haygood choirs, orchestra, soloists, organist, and hand bells present sacred classics and holiday favorites for the entire family.

A children’s Christmas movie is available during concert for children 4 years-5th grade in The Living Room (formerly the Haygood Chapel). A nursery is available for 6 weeks-3 years old.

Join us on the plaza after the concert to enjoy cider, hot chocolate, and holiday treats.

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Community Tree Lighting featuring the Georgia Boy Choir
6:00 PM18:00

Community Tree Lighting featuring the Georgia Boy Choir

It’s time to prepare our hearts for Christmas. Let’s start with a community tree lighting on the Haygood Plaza. We are very excited and honored to feature the Georgia Boy Choir as part of our event again this year.

You are invited to come early and place a decoration on the tree. Bring one from home if you’d like. We’ll also have our Christmas Campfire and our Hot Chocolate Bar from the Haygood Happy Camper. 

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Hanging of the Greens
9:00 AM09:00

Hanging of the Greens

The Altar Guild invites you to our annual Hanging of the Greens!

 All are welcome on Saturday Nov. 30 anytime between 9am and 2pm for a festive day of decorating the sanctuary and church for Advent and Christmas seasons. No special skills are needed--just many hands. We will have coffee and light snacks to fuel your efforts. Questions? Contact Alice Gepp 404-644-3149.

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Christmas Tree Sale
to Dec 8

Christmas Tree Sale

Our tree lot – a neighborhood institution for almost 30 years – opens on Friday, Nov. 29. at NOON. This year we will feature Christmas Trees, wreaths (12” and 16”) and 25’ garland.

We are an all-volunteer, not-for-profit tree lot. All proceeds from our sales will support Intown Cares, Wesley Woods, and Habitat for Humanity.

Our hours are listed below. SHOP EARLY! We will close when the trees are gone!

Opening Day: Friday, Nov 29 Noon-5PM

Saturday, 9AM-5:30PM

Sunday, Noon-5:30PM

Monday-Friday, 5:30-7:30PM

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Haygood’s Angel Tree
to Dec 15

Haygood’s Angel Tree

  • Google Calendar ICS

Haygood’s Angel Tree: It’s Delivery Week!

If your family selected a child, please deliver your labeled gifts to Room 105 in the Gym on Sunday, December 15th before 1PM. The families of students will be picking up gifts Monday, December 16.

Some reminders: Please do not wrap your gifts (school policy). As possible, include a gift receipt for clothing so sizes may be exchanged.  Label each gift with the child’s Angel Tree code. Deliver in labeled box/bag. If you are not able to deliver your gifts Sunday, December 15th, please set a time to deliver gifts prior to the 15th with Stephanie Hanley at  724-263-6244 /stephaniehhanley@gmail.com or Wally Rice at wrice@haygoodumc.org / 404-277-4488.

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