Haygood Prayer Ministry

Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers. 

Church Family: Lucy Nolton; The Family of Kay Humphries; The Swanson Family; The Miningham Family; Ellie Stolze; Gardner and Peggy Chambliss; Dana Moorhead; Phyllis and Marvin Mitchell; Susan Taylor; Betty Justice; Hayden Kelly; Charles and Carol Livingston; Sherry Gossett; Linda Kahrs; Beth Ziegler; Fenton McEvoy; Rev. Dr. Jim Higgins.

Extended Family: The Family of Beth Nonemaker; The Family of John George Teltsch (Emily Compton’s father); Judd and Robert Erickson (nephews of Lynn and Alison LeBreton), Fran Threatt (mother of Shannon Sullivan); Barbara Hart (mother of Rev. Jennifer Hansen; Malinda Holmes (Randy’s mother); Maisie Compton (mother of Bill Compton); Marilyn Butler (mother of Lisha Davis); Dorothy Stephens (mother of Debbie Evans); Lulu Stewart (mother of Prissy Stewart); Julie Woodworth (sister of Beth Ziegler); Kenneth Hudson (father of Ric Hudson); Avalynn Skye Bensch (friend of Ivy Bull); Patsy Whitney (mother of Robert Ross); Ann and Ben Brackett (parents of David Brackett); and those serving our country.