
Our goal in the nursery is to provide a safe and loving experience for your child by providing Christ-centered, nurturing childcare. Haygood is committed to providing a nursery where your child will experience the love of God. Whether this is your first time at Haygood or your hundredth, you’re bound to have questions. We hope to answer many of your questions here.

Where is the nursery located?

Facing the front of the sanctuary (altar, pulpit and chancel space), exit through the front left doors then turn left. Pass through the double doors and the nursery is the last door on your right.

When is the nursery available?

The nursery is available every Sunday morning from 9:45 a.m. through the end of the worship service. It is also available every Wednesday night from 6-9 p.m., as well as for certain special events.

What ages are allowed in the nursery?

We welcome infants aged six weeks through two years.

How does the nursery work?

When you arrive at the nursery, you’ll be asked to sign in and take a pager assigned especially for your child. Complete a name tag sticker, place it on the back of your child, and keep the other half. Leave your supplies with one of the nursery workers. When you are ready, you can pick up your child with your half of the name tag sticker, return your pager, and sign out.

What do I need to bring with my child to the nursery?

With every visit, please bring a bag that includes a diaper for each hour, a well-labeled bottle or sippy-cup, and a change of clothes (just in case!).

What safety procedures are in place in the nursery?

Haygood places your child’s safety first. All church volunteers, staff, and clergy are required to complete Safe Sanctuaries Training and criminal background checked. We follow the safety guidelines mandated by The United Methodist Church and the North Georgia Conference. All our paid nursery staff are certified in CPR and first aid.