2025 Easter Lily Dedications


The Haygood Altar Guild invites you to celebrate the Glory of God through Easter lily dedications. Your dedications also contribute to the Flower Guild ministry at Haygood throughout the year. The donation is $25 per Easter lily. You can make your dedication by completing the online form below. When you submit your dedication, you will be redirected to a payment screen. Please select Easter Lilies from the drop-down Fund menu.

There will also be dedication forms available in the sanctuary throughout Lent. You can place your dedications in the offering plate at worship. You can also drop it by the church office or mail to Haygood Memorial UMC, 1015 East Rock Springs Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30306.

All dedications must be received by Monday, April 14. Please feel free to take the Easter lilies you dedicated following the 11AM Easter service.

If you have any questions, please contact our Flower Guild chair, Genie Driskill (gdriskill34@gmail.com).