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The altar flowers in the sanctuary add to the beauty of our worship service each Sunday. The Flower Guild invites our members as well as groups within the church to dedicate the altar flowers. The flowers are always given to the glory of God first and then given in memory or in honor of a person, or other special occasions such a baptism, birthday, anniversary or wedding. The cost of a dedication is $100. All dedication requests for a particular Sunday will be honored. (NOTE: Flower dedications are not available during the seasons of Lent and Advent.)

Please complete the form below to make your dedication. To submit payment, select “Altar Flowers” from the drop down Fund menu in the payment screen after you submit your dedication. For inclusion in the bulletin, your dedication must be received by the Monday prior to the Sunday you have selected for your flowers.

Thank you for your generosity! Please contact Genie Driskill, gdriskill 34@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.

Unless other arrangements are made, the flowers will be given to someone who is homebound or recovering from an illness, or others who would benefit from the gift of flowers.